Skin problems are common to most of us. These problems can be caused by factors such as environment, age, hormones or even the foods that we eat. Then there are the problems that are caused by heredity and that we are born to live with. Large pores are one of these problems.
The size of your pores are determined before you reach the age of being concerned about whether or not they are large or small. If your mother or father has large pores, you can thank them for this trait that was carried onto you. But not all is lost in having large pores. Yes, extra attention is needed to care for your skin in order to prevent break out, but there is a positive side to large pores. Having larger pores mean that you have a higher production of oil. This still doesn’t sound as good as you thought, but it is.
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A higher production of oil coming through the pores will cause them to enlarge. This will start to occur during puberty when the hormones are kicking in and you start to see changes in your complexion. Most of us noticed more oil over our nose, forehead and chin, but a few of us may have been oily on our cheeks. This process more than likely caused breakouts due to that oil production clogging the pores. The oil pools in the pores and eventually forms bacteria that cause acne. The extent of break out largely depended on how you cared for your skin or how your body reacted to the hormonal changes that were occurring at that time. There is a positive side to large pores.
Since having large pores mean more oil production, the skin is naturally more moisturized and less dry. Over time this natural oil will keep the skin more supple and less likely to line and wrinkle. You may not have appreciated it during your teen years or even early adulthood, but ask your grandmother or mother who has dewy, nearly wrinkle-free skin how important having oily skin was.
The challenges of keeping a face clean that has large pores can be difficult. You want your pores to be unclogged and free of blackheads, but you also don’t want to be dried out by the products to clean your oily skin with. There are ways to do this without stripping the skin of natural oils.
The most effective way to keep your face clean is to keep everyday bacteria away from the skin. A common way of spreading bacteria to the face is by touching it with the hands. Every dermatologist will tell you to keep the hands away from the face. Besides doing that and keeping other objects away from your face such as cell phones, a regular cleansing routine is a must.
The first step is a cleanser for oily skin. Choose a gel cleanser that is gentle enough not to strip the skin, but is effective in thoroughly cleaning the skin of surface oil, such as Mac’s Green Gel Cleanser. Using cleanser in the morning and again at night will keep the skin free of everyday grime and dirt that your skin comes in contact with and that could cause clogged pores and breakout.
Next step is a weekly scrub. Large pores tend to trap more bacteria than small pores, so they need extra cleansing in keeping away the blackheads. A scrub up to three times a week will exfoliate the top layers of dead skin in order to keep away the bacteria that settle in the large pores. Try a granulated scrub once or twice a week at first before going to three times, you don’t want to dry out your skin, which leads to other skin care dilemmas.
Finally using an oil control moisturizer will complete your skin care regimen. A lot of oily people cringe at the thought of putting more moisture on their skin, but oil- controlling lotions will help keep the oil from pooling in areas on the face. The job of the lotion is to disperse the oil evenly so you don’t look overly shiny. This will cause the pores on the face to appear smaller since there will be less oil in the pore. The reflection of the oil sitting in the pore makes the pore seem large therefore keeping the skin surface matte or dry will make the appearance of the pores smaller.
Using these simple skincare tips will help in making large pores seem smaller by controlling the oil on the surface of the skin. Heredity may have the upper hand in what size your pores are but you can definitely control their appearance with an effective skin care regime.
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