Oct 30, 2010

Cure Yeast Infection Fast- Go For The Natural Remedies (Jessyica G Walsh)

Yeast infection has become a very common problem in women today. Majority of the women contract this infection about two days before their periods which results in them having to face overwhelming problems as their infection is passed on even to their partners. Women, at this stage, are a very confused lot, not really knowing which way to turn for genuine help, their only thought at that time being "how to cure yeast infection fast" and escape from their distressing conditions of the present

Very often treatments prescribed for curing the infection include antibiotics that are capable of curing the existing immediate problem in the form of symptoms, but do nothing towards wiping out the root cause of the infection. This kind of treatment is only a stop gap one, giving temporary respite to the immediate discomfort, but not addressing the infection itself.

The only means you have to get to the core of the problem and then look for ways to get rid of it. You will not be able to eliminate yeast infection by simply treating the symptoms; meaning to say that you have to find a solution to eradicate the fungus called Candida Albicans which is the fundamental cause for your infection. When the acidity levels in the body go down, it triggers the almost hysterical multiplication of these bacteria.

Fact is that Candida Albicans in small proportions does exist in our bodies. These bad bacteria cause problems like yeast infections only when their number gets out of hand. Make sure that, whatever treatment mode you select to cure the infection, doesn't cause unnecessary side effects that affect other vital organs of the body.

And some of the best methods that you could use are natural cures in contrast to antibiotics and other harmful drugs. Some of the natural and home remedies being followed for ages have almost miraculous cures for this ailment.

One effective method to cure the infection involves adding three to four spoons of Apple Cider to your bath water. The next step would be to immerse the lower half of your body in the prepared water. Make sure the water enters your vagina so that the apple cider can work out its effect on the Albicans present there. It will not only kill the bacteria but will also restore your lost PH levels.

Using a solution of tea tree oil is reputed to get you a good relief from yeast infections. The proper way to prepare it would be to make add ten drops of the oil to a pint of water so that you get a milky solution. In order to get the best results, you need to use it daily for a week.

Another option is to immerse a tampon into this solution and place it into your vagina for about two hours. Ensure that you never use this oil directly onto your vagina as it is very powerful and can be hazardous if applied without diluting with water.

Another old and effective step towards cure yeast infection fast can be found in the use of yogurt. It is suggested that, dipping a tampon in yogurt and chilling it in the fridge before inserting into the vagina, gives a wave of relief as well as a permanent cure in a few days.

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