Chances are during summer your calendar is a lot busier, you spend more time outdoors and you feature in loads more photographs than at any other time of the year.
To ensure you look and feel your best, it's essential to keep your skin looking clear, healthy and with a natural glow.
According to realbuzz organic skincare could be the way to go, especially for problem skin.
Chemical-based products can include harmful ingredients, exacerbating skin problems and drying out the skin, while natural ingredients are gentler.
Other tips include using spot-fighting makeup, which won't clog pores and fights acne-causing bacteria.
Lifestyle-wise, it recommends drinking spearmint tea, which has been shown to help reduce acne and hormone imbalances in women.
A balanced diet with plenty of nutrients and antioxidants will help improve skin, while tackling stress can also improve wellbeing and leave skin clearer and less prone to breakouts.ADNFCR-2389-ID-801385543-ADNFCR
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