There are some beauty rules that are obvious. Don't go out into the sun without sunblock is one. Quit smoking is another. Here are some less obvious rules - but no less important - tips.
Perfect skin is about genetics not genius skincare. Unless you are genetically blessed, your skin won't be perfect even if you can afford the stratospherically expensive cream that claims to be able to make it so.
Do what you can to protect your skin from the elements, establish a regular skincare programme that fits your budget and investigate ways of treating serious skin conditions if they arise. How well you age is two parts care, one part character.
Beauty is big business. A huge amount of money is invested in finding "miracle" skincare ingredients.
But - just as there is no cure for ageing - there's no one uber ingredient that's better than all the others. Good skincare is made up of a cocktail of antioxidants and ingredients that mimic the skin's own repair processes and encourage cells to work more efficiently.
Consult a dermatologist or cosmetic physician if you have a problem such as acne or dermatitis. A little spending now could save you a lot of future scarring. To find a good cosmetic physician, visit the website of the New Zealand College of Appearance Medicine.
It makes sense. The skin is the body's biggest organ, so what we eat will be reflected in our appearance. Our internal health shows up in our skin, agrees Dr Geoffrey Heber, CEO of Ultraceuticals, the Australian skincare company that also sells vitamin supplements alongside its moisturisers and cleansers.
But you can't just eat poorly and make up for it by popping a vitamin or two. 'A vitamin such as vitamin C - which is proven to be beneficial to the skin - is 40 times more effective applied topically than when it's ingested,' he says. The main reason is other organs take preference over any nutrients, and your skin gets what's left over. Take supplements, but not at the expense of good skincare.
Scars, sticky-out-ears, wonky teeth . . . cosmetic medical science has advanced so much in the past 10 years that natural-looking solutions to bad teeth, cauliflower ears and acne pits are infinitely possible. Stubby lashes can be completely cured by the drug Latisse; pigmentation can be minimised by a range of options, including hi-tech lasers. Change what causes you pain.
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As we age, our cell membranes break down and water loss across the epidermis is increased. The result? Wrinkles. It's one of the reasons why so much emphasis is put on moisturisers' anti-ageing properties. Second only to sunblock, it's a very important beauty investment.
The beauty world has really woken up to the dangers of inflammation. The signs - redness, itching, ultra dryness, patchiness - are sure markers of free-radical damage. And damage means more wrinkles, dullness, uneven pigmentation. One of the biggest issues with inflammation, however, is that it's insidious, often doing its damage beneath the skin's surface, where it can't be seen.
Avoid it as much as possible by seeking out skincare specifically designed to soothe inflammation and, if your skin has a tendency to sensitivity, avoid products containing potential irritants (alcohol, menthol, peppermint, citrus and fragrance, for example).
One of the ways of refreshing your skin is to use a salon or at-home face peel. Basically uber-exfoliants, peels use chemicals to slough off dead skin cells, hence making the complexion look younger and brighter.
The advantages of salon or at-home peels - which generally employ varying percentages of glycolic acid - include smoothing out dry patches, lightening dark sunspots, reducing wrinkles and evening out acne scars.
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