Sep 25, 2010

How to properly take care of your skin

How to properly care of yours skin.The skin is the largest and most visible tissue in the human body. It is natural. It completely covers us from head to toe. It is our protective housing that allows us to move freely and give us feedback on external textures, climate and other things associated with the sense of touch. The pores in the skin helps us also to internal waste by sweat release. These other benefits and features, make our skin of one of the most important parts of our Körpers-and therefore is one of the first things to worry about.

We want our skin soft and smooth yet to be still going strong and healthy. There were countless skin care products and treatments developed over the years, which helped a lot of people and fixed many skin problems. However, it is one thing to heal skin damage, and it is to protect another.If you were born your skin was nothing short of perfekt.Daher the first logical thing to do is to protect your skin from any kind of damage or adverse reaction of external factors.

There are many things that it can damage your skin without you knowing. Some of these would be climate or weather, unknown from food or drink, and the most dreaded skin Damager of all - ages.Although it is possible to stay away from harsh climates and food you are allergic, is sad to note that age wears something that we simply avoid can. everything in this world sound out with age. However, this does not, we do something about it can.

There are various products and treatments for your skin look to make disciples and less wrinkled. However, the important thing is your skin is as healthy as possible all the time while you are young to effectively help in slowing the aging process. You are the more careless with your skin, it'll be faster to develop wrinkles and older.

Leading dermatologists Greta Winslow of calf skin Center advises "... ...immer remind the result one healthy healthy skin lifestyle."We believe healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, plenty of water (less soft drinks and carbonated beverages), sufficient vitamins, regular exercise, enough sleep, not smoking, less drinking and effective management of daily stress.It is also good to suggest that the allegedly results the use of solarium and some current skin treatments or drugs, to an "instant" more harmful than helpful."It's always good to see a skin doctor for things you're not sure"

In addition to these lifestyle tips skin experts say that the best way is to take care of your skin to it as often as clean as possible, or at least on a daily Basis.Sie note, however, that the choice of skin cleanser critically with healthy select the skin is mild and with fewer chemicals ist.Make up must be removed completely, before cleansing and only lukewarm water.

Sep 22, 2010

Beauty myth or magic?

Myths about beauty are like Chinese whispers - the more they’re passed on, the more they evolve into some sort of miracle cure.

While magazines, television and even Twitter bombard us with information about staying beautiful, it’s often the quirky tales passed on by your mum that you recite to yourself in the bathroom mirror each night.

But when facts and fairy tales blur, your skin can be the victim.

“On the whole, the advice shared by generations of women providing tried and trusted cures has held us in good stead,” says Sally Penford, education manager at The International Dermal Institute.

“In today’s world, the basis of these cures is still evident. You can find them, or their active properties, in advanced skincare formulations and they allow us to have an arsenal of sophisticated remedies.”

Read on as Sally reveals whether beauty wisdom of old still holds sway over today’s science-savvy potions and lotions...

Apply warm vegetable oil on dry cracked skin

“This will certainly help soften the skin,” Sally says. “Sweet almond oil is one of the most common oils to use. It is a light oil that contains vitamins and minerals, proteins and glycosides. Good for most skin types, and especially useful for dry and itchy skin - it also has the added benefit of being anti-inflammatory.”

Eating chocolate gives you spots

“No it doesn’t - thank goodness!,” Sally reassures, “but it is advisable to keep your processed sugar intake low for an overall healthy complexion.”

If you have oily skin you shouldn’t wear a moisturiser

“Not true, all skin types need the added protection moisturisers provide,” says Sally. “There are some fantastic oil-free, oil-absorbing moisturisers packed with antioxidants and antibacterial ingredients which can help heal and prevent future breakouts.”

Your skin will age like your mum’s

“If your mum’s skin is great then you’d hope so. “The reality is that genetics will determine factors such as your skin colour and skin type, but can only take credit for approximately ten per cent of your skin ageing,” explains Sally. “That means we have control of around 90 per cent of how our skin looks and ages.”

Applying petroleum Jelly to eyelashes makes them grow

“No, it doesn’t. It can, however, give you puffy eyes and even milia (whiteheads),” Sally warns.

If your skin is dry or you’re prone to eczema, eat oily fish

“Golden advice that has lasted the test of time,” Sally says. “Omega oils are fantastic to help nourish our skin cells and ward off dry flaky skin.”

Stop scratching and get down to Deira fish market now!

If you suffer from breakouts you need to change your pillow case daily

“This is good advice, as it will help keep the skin in a clean environment whilst sleeping. In addition, avoid using fabric conditioner on your bedding as the ingredients can be comedogenic (blackhead forming) when in contact with the skin,” advises Sally.

Apply honey to irritated or sunburnt skin

“There is lots of research which substantiates the healing properties of honey, Manuka in particular,” Sally reveals. “It has fantastic calming and soothing properties and it also has an antibacterial action.”

Pop toothpaste onto a spot to help it heal up

“We have all probably tried this one sometime in our lives and encountered some moderate success. While toothpaste won’t clear a spot, the majority of toothpastes contain menthol, which does cool

the skin and soothes the inflammation,” Sally explains.

Rubbing lemon onto your skin will lighten it

“Not enough that you’d really notice,” says Sally. “Although lemon has a gentle bleaching effect, it will not make a significant difference on the appearance of your skin. It has been said that Vitamin C can assist skin lightening.”

source 7days


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